Adding Github OAuth to Rails Project Part II
In order for my Github Oauth to work, I had to then add in to my sessions controller the following:
def github_auth@user = User.find_or_create_from_omniauth_hash(auth)session[:user_id] =
redirect_to profile_path, notice: 'Successfully connected to Github!' `end`
After doing so, I then included the route path within my routes.rb file.
get 'auth/github/callback', to: 'sessions#github_auth'
This details where the GET request should be taking the user to. Since the callback path matches what I typed in the callback URL in the Github developer settings, I was able to see the login Github credentials screen. After then choosing my Github account in order to sign up as a new user to the MatienanceCo app, I saw profile page without the navbar present and my application not recognizing what current_user.username is. This is a work in progress and in Part 3 I hope to have successfully login using my Github credentials.